making the difference

It's been three months since I was last at the Soho Grand Hotel. It is one of my favorite hotels. I have great memories here and that is what makes coming back so special.

When I checked in, the doorman recognized me.
The young lady checking me in recognized me. knows what room I like.

I don't expect that but it's a great feeling - I just know my experience here will be great, as it always is.
It's the little things that make us super-loyal customers.
Yet so often we see these simple but important elements of customer service ignored, overlooked.

No matter if you are leading a company or a team, or if you are working for yourself, spend a lot of time understanding what you want to stand for - your brand. Of course it includes giving your customers a great experience! After all, that's what we are in business for.

Don't take your customers for granted. Ever! Take time and effort to make the experience happen … always ... consistently.

It makes all the difference!


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