To live for mankind as i have heretofore lived for myself

Understanding our inspiration, how we want to define ourself comes through reflection. Reflection of what we have achieved, and what we want to achieve in our life. In our personal life, our business, in our spiritual life. Understanding the broader context of goals we want to set for ourselves requires allotting time to that quest; it requires reflection, inspiration and goal setting.
Its about taking individual accountability for ourselves and making a commitment to strive for and achieve change, to make change. What makes us happy, what is truly fulfilling? Do we spend enough time on that? Do we take the accountability we have earned and inspire others for greater purpose? Do we inspire ourselves for greater purpose?
What are your criteria for personal success and meaning?

Meriwether Lewis, of the Lewis and Clark expedition (1803-1806), felt inspired to do more with his life, which led to this expedition to discover an inland waterway to the Pacific. He describes this passion to do more with his life as follows:

“This day I completed my thirty-first year … I reflected that I had as yet done but little, very little indeed, to further the happiness of the human race, or to advance the information of the succeeding generation. I viewed with regret the many hours I have spent in indolence, and now soarly feel the want of that information which those hours would have given me had they been judiciously expended.” He resolved: “In the future, to live for mankind, as I have heretofore lived for myself.”

What is your passion, inspiration. How do you want to define yourself?


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