Believe you are creating something special

The other day I attended a session hosted by Marco Giberti at The Lab Miami, an amazing shared workspace environment for startup entrepreneurs in Miami. I was proud to listen to two CEOs that I have the pleasure of working with, Maurice Ferre and Rony Abovitz, tell their story of the founding of Mako Robotics to its very successful IPO and subsequent sale.

They spoke of dedication - dedication to building something that would create change, create impact.
" Believe you are creating the best thing in your field. If you don't believe you are making a difference, don't bother."

They spoke of the doggedness required to succeed; of the hurdles that are thrown at you all the time - they drove around the country with their prototype to meet investors, determined not to come home until they got the money they needed. They spoke of how the day of their closing of the round was 9/11 and it all fell apart and they had to start over. Of how their IPO was right before the recession started.

How did they have the fortitude to pick themselves up again? They talk about creating a sense of awesomeness, a zen state, a zone where you fully believe in your product.
"You don't talk about how awesome you are, you just exude that confidence"
"It's like you create your own reality, " says Maurice.
Rony is quick to interject, "Yeah but be careful. There is a fine line between creating your own reality and being delusional!"

Rony talks about Sun Tzu's Art of War. "Read it 10 times" he says. "Just do it. It's not a book about war. It's about knowing people dynamics and succeeding. "

They spoke about the importance of not being swept up in their euphoria, the importance of mentors and thought partners and coaches:
"Every time we felt we had validation, Maurice would invite another panel of thought leaders to try and shoot holes in it. We wanted to be bulletproof; it's a great process, but not fun!."

Bottom line, reaching your goals is about believing you have a really special idea, that you and your team are special and capable, and have what it takes to achieve big goals.

And it is about persevering, realizing that the things worth achieving are things worth sacrificing for.


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