Densifying, focusing those limited resources

The medical device company that wants to launch across the world
The multinational that wants to manage multiple strategic projects in their business plan
The startup in Brazil that is eager to expand to other countries
The NGO that wants to replicate its methodology now

While expansion to drive more revenues, create more impact, is of course an important part of your organization, how we we expand can make all the difference.

And that comes down to the resources we have and how we can best deploy them to create greatest impact towards our expansion obectives. In other words, you can grow many ways and some are more effective, more impactful than others.

As leaders of our P&L, organization, startup, we have limited resources and they are usually concentrated in certain locations. Our resources have specific skills and experiences and their ability to have delivered results are a function of their skills and experience. Understanding how this can be applied to expansion and growth is critical.

The startup in Brazil that wants to expand to other countries – does the team have the knowledge? How much of their time will be dedicated to the learning curve, to understanding the local nuances/differences in the model, to travel, to setup? What is the opportunity cost of that time diversion in the current business traction?

The multinational that is looking to create significant change across multiple dimensions – what bandwidth does the organization have to manage and implement these changes? What suffers? How many people can be freed up to manage such projects?

The less we need to disburse our resources to achieve a result, the more productive we are. Densification. If the Brazilian team can achieve the same growth objectives by continuing to focus on the Brazil market with the organization, skills and experience they have, does it make sense to expand into Colombia and Chile now?

If the NGO can impact the next 50,000 people close to home, does it make sense to introduce its model in India and start all over with establishing relationships, fundraising?

Think of the impact you are looking to attain and find the most productive way to do that. Sometimes expanding aggressively is the right thing to do now, even if there is short-term opportunity cost.

But often, if we look close at our capabilities and resources, we find that densification, maximum productivity out of our resources will serve us well in achieving our business plan goals.


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