Making space for the important things

The other day was the first time in over two years that my two brothers and I had been together. We coordinated our schedules and managed to visit our parents at the same time.

We talk frequently. We consider ourselves a close family and are always there for each other.

And yet, two years had passed that we had all been together. And as we spent those great days together, we talked about how we can't let that much time pass again. We have good reasons why it happens. All of us live on opposite ends of the earth.

So what? It is about priorities, and I felt a little ashamed that we had waited so long to make space for this priority.

Because life is about making space for the things that matter. Opportunities are all around us but we fill our days up with the daily grind and we make no space for opportunity when it comes knocking.

And two years go by.

Understand what is truly important to you and make space for it. No excuses


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