True Grit


I was having lunch with a great guy i recently met, Richard Wells. Richard is an entrepreneur/writer/teacher and we had a great lunch conversation about leadership style, qualities and value systems.

We got to the topic of Grit. I have never used the word Grit as a leadership trait. Typically we use more mainstream words when discussing leadership; but this word – it fits the bill!! It embodies many of the elements of Leadership around boldness of action - addressing a Leader’s ability to make decisions in face of adversity, when not all the facts are in, when we have to balance our experience and gut instinct with the knowledge and the fact base at our disposal. But, beyond that, grit also addresses character. Grit is a great trait to have.

Grit is defined as follows:
courage and resolve; strength of character.
"he displayed the true grit of the navy pilot"

Synonyms for Grit are:
courage, bravery, pluck, mettle, backbone, spirit, strength of character, strength of will, moral fiber, steel, nerve, fortitude, toughness, hardiness, resolve, resolution, determination, tenacity, perseverance, endurance;

In this journey of life, we can all use a lot of that!


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