Every person has a story

When I broke my neck on November 6, 2004, I arrived at John Muir Hospital in Walnut creek, and that is where my life intersected with Dr. Chen. Dr. Chen operated on me and saved my life. Dr. Chen is the guy who allowed me to walk out of that hospital with a new lease on life.

And yet before that day I had never met him.  Never knew this guy who saved lives every day.  Who knows, I might even have bumped into him before on a bus, a plane, in a bar.

Every person has a story. And yet often we just focus on ourselves or on our task at hand and we miss those amazing opportunities topmeet people, to learn; and who knows, maybe it is that encounter that can open our eyes, change our lives? Often we are so busy that we fold into ourselves and don't reach out and talk to people.  So many times, I have boarded a plane and stuck my nose in a book or put on my headphones and not even engaged with the person next to me. Now, I make a point of doing so.  I want to hear people's stories.  Everyone has one.

When I met Vera Cordeiro I decided to learn more and visited her in Rio de Janeiro.  That experience has impacted my priorities in a huge way. I have learned so much from her organization , Ass. Saude Crianca.  More so, Vera has become an amazing friend, a kindred spirit, and every time we spend time together I learn and come away from that meeting a better, stronger person because of it.

Moments matter.

When we listen to others, we open up to them and to ourselves.  We learn.  When we learn, we generate more insight about others and ourselves.  Its empathy in action.

Every person has a story. Everyone is interesting. Take advantage of the moment.


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