
Pick a scenario:
. You are on your way to your staff meeting
. You are meeting your family for dinner
. You are walking into an important customer meeting
. your friend is calling, has something important to tell you

In your head:
"Where did I put my car keys?"
"Have to work on that board presentation"
"Need to talk to James about that person he wants to hire"
"Wonder how that situation in Chicago is going?"
"Did we close that deal yesterday?"
"Need to take the car in for servicing."
"Send Paul that email on budget."
"Need to go for a run."
"Wonder if Jane has replied to my email"
"Ski vacation or Bahamas this Christmas?"
"Have to book that trip to London"

Take 10 minutes and clear your head. Take a walk.
Be aware and prepare.
Walk in focused, attentive, productive.
Be present


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