It starts at the top

I want my organisation to be focused on the priorities
I want Execution-orientation to be a core competency in my organisation
I want there to be less friction/more productivity between departments.

Sound familiar? I hear variations of this with many of my CEO clients.

Guess what?

It starts at the top!

How do you and your team model those norms?
When your employees look at how you and your team spend your time and resources, do they see you focusing on the priorities you communicate?
Do you hold yourself and your team to task on actions, deadlines and deliverables? Do things slip? Do new priorities usurp other priorities?
How are you and your peers, you and your team, seen by the organization? Do you talk and demonstrate a strong sense of alignment? Are you seen to be rowing in the same direction? What signals do you send?

Your employees, your organisation emulate you, model your behavior. You are seen to value what you do, not what you say.

Look at the norms that you communicate and focus on how you model them. Its not that we don't believe what we say. Its just that we are human; we slip. And when we do, people see it.

So having an acute awareness of how we model what we say is important - its just too important to ignore.

It starts at the top. Your people are watching.


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