What a Ride!

I've posted before on the Importance of Rule # 6 - "Don't take yourself too seriously". In fact, as the story goes, when asked what the other rules are, the answer is "There are no other rules".

Sometimes we need a little jolt to remind us of the purpose of life, that we can't take ourselves and what happens to us too seriously.

Sometimes stress gets the better of us.

Sometimes we need to reach within ourselves and reawaken the awareness of what motivates us

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves what it is that makes us smile, and do more of that

My friend Dianne Terrien who used to work with me at DHL, gave me a gift once. A nice picture frame for my desk (it sits on my desk to this day) ; inside the Frame were these words:

Life should not be a journey to the

grave with the intention of arriving

safely in an attractive and well-preserved

body - but rather to skid in sideways,

chocolate in hand, a glass

of wine in the other, body

thoroughly used up, totally worn out

and screaming, "WOO HOO, what a ride!"



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