Are the Facts acceptable?

When it comes to decisions, you can rest assured of one thing.  You will never have all the facts.  Good decisions are made with facts, yes. But they include more than that.  Godd decisions are made based on your experience and the experience of those with whom you surround yourself.

Good decisions are also a function of awareness. Awareness of the situation at hand, awareness of the opportunity to be gained. Awareness of the risks.

Whether you are deliberating an investment or a new product launch; whether you are evaluating a new-hire or a promotion; whether you are negotiating a contract. Decisions are made balancing facts, time and opportunity.

The most important thing about making a decision is making it and moving on with its implementation.

And at the end of the day, good decisions are also a function of your gut feel.  Intuition that comes with a mix of your experience, skill and awareness.  Intuition that comes with a good sense of the facts you have and the risks you will take.

Good decisions come when you accept the facts for what they are, accept that you will never have 100% certainty.At some point, playing out the what-if scenarios becomes counter-productive. becomes vacillation.

Accept that there are unknowns, intangibles and grey areas - there always will be!

Accept the facts and understand that they are acceptable to you!

And then make the call. Its yours to make.



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