Be selfish

Be selfish

Look at your calendar for the last two weeks.

Are your work priorities well represented:
Time with customers
Time with team
Time developing your people
Time on key levers of your business plan

Are your personal priorities well represented:
Time for health
Time for family
Time for mindfulness/meditation/writing....

How much of your time was spent on items that truly added little value, that you could have done without?

Look at your calendar for the next two weeks:
Need to make any changes? Need to make some more time for those priorities? Need to cancel those many appointments that have crept in with a mind of their own? (or because you cant say no).

I just went through this exercise for my own calendar. A friend reminded me that I need it. It is a process I have to do regularly, because like anything else, we have to train ourselves to make space for the important stuff and to reject other things.

Be selfish. When it comes to time, you don't have a choice!


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