I am grateful

I'm fifty two years old today, and the greatest gift I receive is the company, love, perspective and support of people I choose to surround myself with.

I choose the people I work with. I look for interesting people that challenge me, and whom i can challenge. I make sure we connect, "click", so that our relationship is based on trust. That is very important to me.

I want to enjoy the people I spend time with. I enjoy spending time in social settings but true deep friendships is a different thing. There is a different place in my heart for true friendship.

I believe in bonds. In life we forge a few bonds that are meaningful beyond words. Family, and special relationships that transcend everything that may come your way. I cherish that and I am so very grateful for that.

I am grateful to the friends who introduced me to meditation and self-awareness - a journey that is still very recent for me but has opened numerous doors.

I am grateful for my health, and don't take it for granted. We have to work at being healthy - physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally.

I am grateful. Happiness and gratitude are two sides of the same coin. I'm blessed and happy.

I am grateful.


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