Those big meetings

The vast majority of people I engage with say they attend way too many meetings. And they also tell me that they attend many meetings where their attendance is not necessary.

Now, as leaders, we often have a different view of that. The meetings we hold are necessary, important. And the people we invite to those meetings need to be there.


Is it possible, that with a little reflection, we might admit to ourselves that our business could run just as effectively (or better) with fewer meetings, with less people at the meetings?

Challenge yourself! Set a goal for 50% less meetings. Set a higher bar for who needs to attend those meetings - either we assume that person is necessary at the meeting, or we are accommodating someone not wanting to hurt their feelings, their ego.

Can we afford that? Aren't we better off challenging ourselves to free up your people's time to make that extra sales call, to find those extra hours to execute their plan. Imagine your productivity if you cut your meetings in half!

Don't get me wrong. Many meetings are important. Critical, even.

But then again...many aren't.


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