Those no-regrets moves

Often when we take time to think about where we want to go in our career, in our personal lives, we get hung up on trying to figure it out - and we never really get going with the actions that start us on the path.

There is such a thing as trying to figure it out too much.

There is truth in the saying that it is less about the destination than it is about the journey.  The important thing is that we want to move forward,  to avoid that feeling of standing still...the status quo.

So as you  frame your goals, your destination; as you explore various options that could allow you to obtain your goals, look for those common actions, those "no regrets" moves that you can take.  The no-regrets moves are the moves you can make regardless of the broader path you choose.  They are the first leap, the moves that get you unstuck and executing on the mission, while you continue to evaluate and broaden the bigger game plan.  No-regrets moves deliver results  no matter which road you choose to take. Those no regrets moves matter regardless.

If you are embarking on a project to reduce cost and every line item is in scope. Start actioning the line items that you know can stand trimming, while you continue due diligence on the rest.

If you are embarking on a broad customer segmentation analysis for your business, but you have all the facts to support a certain segment of customers, then start actions to penetrate that segment in a larger way now, while assessing the rest of your customer landscape.

From a personal development standpoint, the same applies. Know your  no-regrets moves. Things like:

Building out your network

Tackling that reading list

Taking that management course

Picking up that hobby you have been putting off for so long

Spending more time with the ones you love

Finding a mentor or a coach

Taking 20 minutes twice a day to step back ... just for you

Writing a journal

Asking for feedback - from your peers, your team, your boss

Taking stock of what makes you tick - your passions, and pursuing them more




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