Launching of my new book, Our Stories Matter

Our Stories MAtter

Today I launched my new Book, Our Stories Matter.

The book is a collection of 20 character sketches of people I bumped into over my life but with whom I never really connected. I guess at their stories, I describe them, and by doing so open up to myself.

Why? I hope with my book to open up our eyes to others' stories, to the value of reaching out, the value of opening up, of practicing empathy. In order for us to understand ourselves, to expand our self-awareness, we have to open up to others.

We all have our stories; everyday we are touched by people...they come and go, a fleeting touch or interaction. But nothing is fleeting; nobody is fleeting.Part of the journey to understand ourselves is about opening up to all that is around us … to perceive, to respond, to take a risk and step beyond ourselves.

Being present, being aware takes effort, takes discipline … but the reward is so very great.

Because our stories matter.

I hope that you enjoy and share Our Stories Matter, that it encourages you to open up to the world around you, and by doing so, you will expand your own self-awareness and your own story!

My book can be purchased and gifted as an e-book on Amazon at

It can be purchased and gifted in hard copy in the US from McNally Jackson Books at


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