Less Talking, more doing. When? Now!

Many of the Leaders I work with tell me they want to instill a more task-oriented, execution-focused culture. “Less talking, more doing!” “How do I get my team, my organization to value execution?”

As is true with most business imperatives, the Leader paves the way.

How do you spend your time? What message are you sending?

How much of your time is spent meeting about past performance reviews, or anticipating/gaming what could happen down the road? What do you think that does to your team’s use of time, their mindset?

Of course performance management and business reviews are important, as is strategizing. But make sure you create a management process/structure around that. Carve out regular, scheduled time for that.

But that focus on executing now, staying on task, meeting deliverables, delivering results…those things you want from your team and organization…spend your time on that.

Truth is, the only space where we get things done, where we execute, is now. Now is when things get done.


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