What Is Your Next Marathon?

I could run a marathon if I set my mind to it. How do I know this? After all, when I run regularly, I never run more than 4 miles and that has me exhausted. I am not a naturally gifted runner.
I have several friends who were not runners by nature but set their mind to running a marathon and they did it! They did it by following prescribed training regimens that are designed to prepare one to run a marathon, to go from not running at all to being able to complete a 5+ hour run of 26 miles (42 kilometers).

It is about setting your sights on a goal.

It is about understanding the steps required to achieve the goal.

It is about fully committing to that goal and the actions required.

It is about creating the discipline and the space to implement the regimen.

It is about measuring progress.

It is about imposing the time and discipline to do it consistently.

We set ourselves and our team's goals all the time and inevitably they involve challenges we have never attempted before.

They are our marathons. What is your next marathon?

Create your plan, commit to it. Have the discipline to see it through. Make space for it. Track your progress.

And you will succeed.


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