Buy That Lottery Ticket - It makes No Sense To Do So

I am a logistician
I am a pragmatist
I like to plan

I advise people for a living.

I buy a lottery ticket every week. I know the math and I know the odds. It is a waste of money, but yet I do it.

I am disciplined in the way I approach things. It is my nature. And yet I have learned over the years that we have to apply the same kind of discipline to invite a little chaos into our lives. If we don’t make space for the unexpected, then new opportunities won’t come.

I have jumped out of planes
I have gone diving off the reefs of Australia with poisonous sea snakes and sharks
I have jumped cliffs and crossed glaciers on skis
I wrote two books
I’m learning Portuguese

In other words, I try to discipline myself to make space in my life for the things I want to do, some of the crazy stuff. When we let go a little, we open up. This is where opportunity lives.

I am a planner. I like certain things just so. But part of that plan is to invite newness in and that takes as much discipline as all the rest.

That lottery ticket is part of inviting the chaos in. It doesn’t make sense. All logic tells me not to do it.

But I buy that lottery ticket. I love the feeling. It opens doors.


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