At A Crossroads? Great!!

crossroads1All too often we find ourselves at a crossroads, with the task of having to make a hard decision.

It is “Go/no go”
We view it as Black or white
Do we Go this way or that way?
What horse do we bet on?

Decision-making is like that. As leaders we are skilled at making decisions with the facts at hand. Crossroads require a decision, often a hard one. It is not fun, but someone has to do it.

Or not.

Crossroads present multiple paths to choose from. But who says it has to be binary? Why is it one over the other?

Often there are two good choices and yet we decide to follow the best choice.

Why can’t two good choices mean that our team follows two good paths?Crossroads can present optionality and opportunity. They are only binary when there are limited resources to be applied but as leaders we have choice as to where we apply our resources; crossroads often show us that there is more than one good solution – often it is not about choosing one over the other.

When we have the resources and when both paths augment our strategy, then the optionality presented to us provides multiple paths to success, provides exponential product and growth opportunity, and de-risks your game plan!

Crossroads are not always the inflection point of tough choices. Often they are the springboard to acceleration.


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