See A Void? Fill It. What Are You Waiting For?

voidThere is no doubt - an effective organization must have clear lines of accountability. People must know what they are accountable for, and key priorities need owners. Shared accountability often leads to confusion, and that leads to delays or worse.

But we don't work in the ideal organization. Lines of accountability are not always clear. And truth is, new accountabilities crop up all the time - as we prioritize new things, as new products are launched, as new organizational imperatives unfold.

And sometimes you believe strongly in an issue that the broader organization may not have as a priority.

Bottom line, all accountabilities are never drawn up and defined. If they were, the organization would likely be caught up in administrative bureaucracy and innovation would hardly exist.

So you will see a void where clear ownership is lacking.

Fill that void. take de-facto ownership. When we pick up the ball and run with it, that's initiative.

That is leadership


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