The Secret Sauce

secret sauceMy friend KC Tolliver, CEO of Summit Resource Imports, told me a story about how he started his business. In college he had started a small business selling branded baseball caps; coming out of college he wanted to build a business. He targeted a few importers and aimed to become a supplier for them. One such importer never returned his calls. For over a year, KC called several times a week.

Rejection after rejection. Not an easy thing for a young college-graduate to stomach day after day.

KC did not give up. He believed in his product and knew that if he could get a chance, he could build his business.

One day, when making such a call, the opportunity came. The importer had a major problem with their supplier and was willing to give KC a chance. KC received a huge trial order with a very short delivery window , and he got on a plane to China and made it happen. KC now owns a very successful business producing, designing and marketing branded apparel for companies like Disney. Nickelodeon, and Caterpillar.

KC understood that a good idea, a good product is not enough. He had to get an opening to prove himself.

Perseverance is critical.

At times, we have to realize that the direction we are pursuing has a shelf life, and if we are not getting validation for our product , then we have to adjust. But KC knew he could design great caps and deliver them with service. He had done it at a small scale and needed to break into the big leagues.

I work with an amazing entrepreneur in New York, Lasyah Palmer. I met Las at Defy Ventures, an organization that has an educational and mentoring program to help previously incarcerated people start their own businesses. Las has started a business, Prison Services, an online product and service that allows people, through mobile apps and computers, to send music, magazine subscriptions and letters to loved ones who are incarcerated.. His product works, everyone he speaks with loves the idea, and he is getting initial orders.

Las is now working to scale the product that he has seen validated. He is raising money, leveragong multiple marketing techniques and channels to scale. He knows he has a winning idea, but that is not enough. Just like KC, Las is pushing and pushing for that breakthrough, and I know it will pay off.

A great product – absolutely necessary.

But the secret sauce?



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