"Sir" or "Ma'am" Never Offends

That important first meeting

That important first introduction

Developing the relationship

Those early moments of first impressions matter so much; and yet I see all too often how people struggle with the decorum of meeting people. All too often they become familiar too fast.

For me it is simple. If you are going to err, err on the upside.

One of my clients told me they messed up in a big way by addressing the chairman of a company as Sir, the first time they met. “I felt that the guy was offended when he insisted that I call him by his first name.”

No way he was offended. He might be giving you license to call him by his first name right there and then, but I guarantee you he is viewing you favorably.

It is simple. No-one is going to get offended if you address them with respect. The same cannot be said if you take the un-approved license to be familiar.

Being familiar takes many forms. How we address people is just one of them. Step up the game. Don’t be that person that takes un-approved license. You would be surprised how that differentiates you. Go into relationships with respect.

Every time.

You won’t regret it.

It is a matter of respect.


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