An Offer You Cannot refuse

offerI read a blog recently that in this new generation of leadership, the performance review is outdated. I actually agree with that but it got me thinking.
What is not outdated is strong, timely feedback.
What is not outdated, is leaders sharing their perspective.
What is not outdated is receiving guidance based on years of experience.
I have heard numerous complaints about performance reviews in my career. That they are not well structured, that they are a bureaucratic process imposed by the organization; that they provide untimely feedback.
All of this is often true.
However, feedback is an offer you cannot refuse. It is just two valuable. Even if it is couched in a suboptimal process. Even if it is untimely. Even if it is not delivered with the finesse and tact we deserve.
It is feedback and we should hunger for it.
I do believe that good leaders are not well served by annual performance reviews. Good leaders deliver feedback timely, as a means of constructive employee development. Good leaders provide constructive guidance to help the team achieve goals.
And good employees crave for that feedback. When it doesn’t come, they ask for it. When it is unstructured, they take ownership for clarification.
And when it is offered, it is not scoffed, rejected or dismissed.
Because when a leader offers to spend the time to provide feedback…
Well, that is an offer you just cannot refuse.


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