When That Culture Work Pays Off

happy-employee-300x150Creating a culture is one of the hardest things to do.

It requires Leadership from the top to clearly articulate what it stands for.

It requires that actions mirror that intent.

it requires fortitude, consistency and continuity of purpose

And it requires time to take hold.

When it does, it does not need to be advertised, nor does the organization need to be reminded, because the employees will do that for you.

I recently, in the span of two weeks, I witnessed two amazing examples of it. Matthew Wensing, CEO of Riskpulse, forwarded me an email he received fom an employee; the employee spoke about how every morning he wakes up excited to come to work. he said the work is hard, and it is challenging but working for Riskpulse is an experience he enjoys every day - he is excited to work and contribute.

On Linkedin, I saw a testimonial from an employee of Inttra who wrote about "The top 10 things I dig about Inttra. He spoke about loving the people he works with, about how teammates cheered when their colleague presented (as if they had won the Superbowl!). He spoke about about the seasoned leadership team and how he learns from them every day; that they are obsessed with building a great company. He said "if you respect the person you work for, and you like the people you work with - You've got a great job."

people don't wake up and write these kin of things, unless the Leadership has succeeded in driving an exciting culture.

Hard work, but so very important.


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