Don't Get Pulled Into The Storm

peaceOne of the great things about life is that everyday we have control over how we will respond to things; whether we will let things consume us or whether we will focus on the controllables at our disposal.

And yet so often we are sucked in by a crisis, by the spontaneous - we react to a comment, we react to some news without stepping back and evaluating.

We jump right in.

I read this great quote by Kimberly Jones:

"Don't let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace".


It is easier said than done. Storms have their pull. People arguing, threatening, debating, panicking. Chaos sometimes is so inviting, begging us to step in and get involved.

But we have our priorities. We have allocated resources and energy against them. They deserve our attention. When we jump into that spontaneous fray, that storm, we abdicate the plan.

Stick to your plan. In the midst of chaos, let others see the calm.

Trust me, they will be attracted to it.


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