Kicking Off The Cement Shoes

moonjumpTurns out that making the decision is not the hardest part.

Once it is clear what the course of action is, it is all about execution, taking the steps to get it done. Sounds easy, but often this is the sticking point for leaders … freeing up resources, making the time, coordinating the team … or just managing the change.

Often, our intent is there but we lack the discipline to create action items and hold the team accountable for them and their deadlines.

Often, we are wedded to the old way – it has worked in the past. (another way to say that is we made the decision to change but our heart is not in it.)

As leaders, our obligation is not only to see and decide on the right path, but to get it done. And the process is always the same:

Develop a clear action plan that will deliver results: Who, What and When.
Hold accountable parties accountable
It is not hard, but variables often get in the way. Make the decision, Set the action plan. Focus. Manage to the deliverables.

Kick off the cement shoes.


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